Thursday 19 December 2013

Our First Fund Raiser

I have to say you always put on fund raising events with some trepidation, hoping for a good turnout but ever in fear there is just going to be you and your compatriots there and nothing but tumble weed blowing through the door, looking at the mountain of cakes thinking we'll never eat all of those (always prepared to give it a darn good try though :)).

Our First Fund Raising Event on Sunday 15th December. ambitiously entitled the Christmas Coffee Morning after Mass was an absolute rip roaring success.  Whilst we really shouldn't be surprised as to the generosity of the marvellous parishioners of St Peter's, it is still a very humbling experience when we all come together in force to show our support.

The 175th Anniversary belongs to us all and its great that so many Parishioners embraced that and want to play such an active role in the success of those celebrations.

So to all the unsung heroes, all those that baked up a storm, all those that donated prizes for the raffle and tombola, all those that set out tables, washed up, tidied up, all those that donated money, to all those that bought and ate cakes with such enthusiasm; to all those that had a go on the tombola and bought raffle tickets - to those that couldn't attend this time but promised themselves they would be at the next event.  To each and everyone of you Thank You Ever So Much.  Here's to the next event!!!

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